Oh my, oh my, I’m still standing, still rolling the letters.

My dictionary description pick: Gain control of; overcome.
2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26
»It’s time to go into emergency mode.«
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN.
-But what does it even mean? Is it playing AWorld every day or something more?
AWorld in Support of ActNow
I’ll be an Internet celebrity, I’m confident I’ll find the right modality. I’ll swim out from all the chaos and misfortune commoners are setting up. It’s up to commoners to have mercy, get vaccinated, and end the pandemic because everybody else has done their part. https://t.co/xheylGVZjy
— Luka Jagor (@LukaJagor) November 8, 2021
There Is No Planet B, I Reckon
It’s a pity how lots of users want to pollute media space to hurt multinationals. We need the spirit of unity, stronger ties, to create something truly gigantic, but flexible. Multinational and multiplanetary.
There is no planet B, I reckon 4 now, we need to make groundbreaking science for fixing the mess on Earth. Sometimes I think we shouldn’t listen anymore to engineers and psychocrats because they’ve brought climate change, but there is no feasible alternative.
We need to make humans multiplanetary, to make real-time TV shows even on another planet. There is no multiplanetary community-building without live TV shows, but that’s impossible with present-day technology. Every person should ask oneself how to contribute to getting out of this unfavorable situation, fighting extra survivor. As a deceased genius, Stephen Hawking used to say: “We (humanity) have 100 years left on Earth”.
Looking back just half millennia it was ‘easy’, seeing Earth now carrying so heavy burden would be characterized as a megalomaniacal project. Since we’re on this path, if we make one million people per day transport to a designated planet we might loosen up in 20 years, but space companies are behind on their schedule.
One could say we’re fighting a war with time and losing. There is no clear solution, a masterplan that would solve accumulated problems, just fractions of a puzzle, so I recommend a uniform leadership together with unity.
This could be a solution for real-time multiplanetary telecommunicationshttps://t.co/TfJdTggHkl
— Luka Jagor (@LukaJagor) November 1, 2021
Photo Gallery – #Medvednica #Sljeme #Zagreb #Croatia
Incredible journey ?
Luka Jagor @lukajagor
Long live freedom.
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