Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #5


Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #5

Happy Seasonal Holidays 2021 y’all.

My dictionary description pick: A natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole.

Please note that the image has a low depiction value, but can be applied as a colorful desktop or mobile wallpaper.

As I support all life, I support both the “Anthropic principle” and “Cosmological natural selection” as the nature of things.

The anthropic principle is the cosmological principle that theories of the universe are constrained by the necessity to allow human life.

— Lexico, an online dictionary website

A little more than 50 years ago, for example, the beneficial effects of microgravity were not known, without which we would not be able to survive in space for a second. There may be other phenomena that favor us like a multitude of water in outer space. That’s supportive of the anthropic principle.

On the other hand, I’m very keen on “Cosmological natural selection”, also called the “fecund universes”.

It’s been proposed that when a black hole forms, a white hole forms on the opposite “side”. Energy entering exits the white hole. Physicist Lee Smolin takes it a step further to suggest that the resulting white hole is the Big Bang of a new, baby universe. And, that in fact, our universe formed that way.

— PBS Space Time
  1. Astonishing URL that would describe your real value, e.g. www.Tillion Dollar Homepage.tld/Luka-Jagor.html
  2. Templates for customizing uploaded images by editing them (adding borders, lighting)
  3. Print uploaded images on a different material as a postcard, a canvas, a sticker, or even a poster.

Walk: Distance: 7.1km, Elevation Gain: 4m, Moving Time: 01:28:57, Average Speed: 4.8km/h

Long live freedom.






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